Safe Harbor is an American television drama series that aired on The WB Television Network from September 20, 1999 to November 28, 1999. The series was created and executive produced by Brenda Hampton, who at the time was best known for work on the fellow WB series 7th Heaven, the series was paired with 7th Heaven on the network's Monday night lineup. Despite 7th Heaven being the No. 1 show on The WB during the 1999-2000 season, Safe Harbor was unable to hold a solid audience after 7th Heaven and was canceled after ten episodes and one season with the show moving to Sunday nights where the last two episodes aired.
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John Loring (Gregory Harrison) is the sheriff of a local Florida town named Magic Beach. He is a widower who has his hands full finding the truth behind his wife's death and raising his three sons Hayden (Christopher Khayman Lee), Turner (Jeremy Lelliott) and Jeff (Jamie Williams). Jeff is best friends with Chris (Orlando Brown) and Jamie (Chyler Leigh) is a runaway that John cares for. Helping John raise his kids is his eccentric mother Grandma Loring (Rue McClanahan) who runs the local beach-side motel.
Safe Harbor For Women Video
- Gregory Harrison as Sheriff John Loring
- Rue McClanahan as Grandma Loring
- Christopher Khayman Lee as Hayden Loring
- Jeremy Lelliott as Turner Loring
- Jamie Williams as Jeff Loring
- Orlando Brown as Chris
- Chyler Leigh as Jamie Martin
- Deborah Magdalena as Deputy Lopez
- Anthony Hubert as Deputy Chafin
The series premiered on September 20 and ended on November 28, 1999 with a total of 10 episodes.
Source of the article : Wikipedia